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Get Involved

There are lots of ways you can help us spread the word about #TooIntoYou.

If you work with young people you can get involved too.

Become a #TooIntoYou Campaign Ally

We need your help to spread the word about the Too Into You campaign!

Apply now

Tell your friends about #TooIntoYou

Follow the #TooIntoYou campaign on TikTok and Instagram. Tell your friends about it, you never know who might need to see it.

Follow TooIntoYou on Instagram

Share your story of survival

Tell your story and help share the reality of intimate relationship abuse. Help others break their silence and seek support.

Email if you are interested. All contact will be treated sensitively and confidentially.

I work with young people

By following and sharing the #TooIntoYou campaign on your organisations social media, you can tell the young people you work with about supports and information we provide.

Share the #TooIntoYou campaign

You can show your support for Too Into You by:

Request a Too Into You pack

The Too Into You pack includes resources, leaflets, posters and posts to share on social media. To request a Too Into You pack please email


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Stay up to date on the #TooIntoYou campaign.

